Alan Galey


Alan Galey is Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto, where he also teaches in the collaborative program in Book History and Print Culture.
After completing his PhD in 2006 with a thesis titled "The
Shakespearean Archive: Information's Cultural Work from Early Modern
Print to the Electronic New Variorum" (U Western Ontario, Dept. of
English), he held a two-year postdoctoral fellowship from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
for a project titled "Visualizing Editions: Interface Research and
Design for Electronic Texts in the Humanities" (U Alberta, Dept. of
English and Film Studies). In 2008 he began his current position at the
University of Toronto, where his research focuses on intersections
between textual scholarship and digital technologies, especially in the
context of theories of the archive and the history of scholarly
editing. He has published on these topics articles in journals such as Early Modern Literary Studies, Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, and College Literature,
and co-edited special issues of Shakespeare ("Reinventing Digital
Shakespeare") and TEXT Technology ("Digital Humanities and the
Networked Citizen"). He has presented conference papers linking textual
scholarship, book history, and digital technology at gatherings of the
Modern Language Association, the Society for Textual Scholarship, the
Shakespeare Association of America, the Pacific Northwest Renaissance
Society, the Society for Digital Humanities, the Renaissance Society of
America, and the International Congress on Medieval Studies, among
others. He has also been a guest lecturer at the University of Victoria
Digital Humanities Summer Institute, University of Toronto, and Texas
A&M University