Ray Siemens

Dr. Raymond Siemens is Canada Research Chair in Humanities Computing and Professor of English at the University of Victoria. Siemens is also Visiting Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Computing in the Humanities at King's College London, and Visiting Research Professor at Sheffield Hallam University.

The editor of several Renaissance texts, Siemens is also the founding editor of the electronic scholarly journal Early Modern Literary Studies. He has authored numerous articles on the intersection of literary studies and computational methods and is the co-editor of several book collections on humanities computing topics, among them Blackwell's Companion to Digital Humanities (with Susan Schreibman and John Unsworth) and Companion to Digital Literary Studies (with Susan Schreibman). In addition to his teaching and research activities, Siemens serves as Director of the Digital Humanities Summer Institute, President (English) of the Society for Digital Humanities/Société pour l'étude des médias interactifs (SDH/SEMI) and as Chair of the MLA committee on information technology.

In the past, he has chaired the MLA discussion group on computers in language and literature. Siemens' research has been supported by the Canadian Foundation for Innovation, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), the Killam Trust, the Canada Research Chairs program, and others.

Siemens' current literary studies work centres on two early Tudor manuscript miscellanies, the Henry VIII Manuscript (BL Add Ms 31922), and the Devonshire Manuscript (BL Add Ms 17492). His larger research projects focus on the Human-Computer Interaction, Interface, and the Electronic Book (HCI-Book) project, the Digital Humanities Summer Institute, the Professional Reading Environments (PReE) project, and initiatives associated with the TAPoR and Synergies projects. A full curriculum vitae is available upon request.